HOME>MATERIALS >第三回締約国会議に向けた未批准国への働きかけ
ICBLの目標の一つは世界の全部の国がオタワ条約に参加するように各国の政府に働きかける事です(オタワ条約の普遍化)。 去る6月1日現在の調印国が140ヶ国で、批准国が116ヶ国でした。ICBLは来る9月18日にニカラグアで開催される第3回オタワ条約締約国会議までに、批准国を120ヶ国とする事を目標にして、未批准の24ヶ国に早期批准を働き掛ける事となりました。 JCBLは、6月中旬、このキャンペーンに協力して、これら24ヶ国の政府の外務大臣あてに一刻も早く批准するよう申し入れる手紙を送りました。ハイチ共和国およびウクライナより回答がありましたので、下記にご紹介します。 2001年7月10日 対人地雷全面禁止条約に関する貴信を拝受しました。対人地雷を地球上から完全に無くそうという貴下および貴団体のご配慮を心にとめました。ハイチ国政府がこの問題を真摯に受け止め、条約の普遍化のために貢献できるよう最善を尽くす事をお約束致します。 No. 324/28-196/11-1074 July, 6 2001 Dear Mr. Toshihiro Shimuzu, In response to your letter urging the ratification by Ukraine of the 1997 Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Landmines and on Their Destruction (Mine Ban Treaty) let me assure you that Ukraine fully recognizes the necessity and significance of such a step. Ukraine has already declared that it is deeply concerned by the consequences of the unrestricted and wide-spread use of anti-personnel landmines. The intention to get rid of this type of weapons is a firm position of our country. I strongly believe that signing of the Mine Ban Treaty by our state which possesses considerable stocks of mines became a concrete contribution to the strengthening and supporting the international peace and security. In this context I deem it necessary to underline that Ukraine is fully in line with its obligations under this document and is determined to implement it with a great sense of responsibility. But the lack of the technical and financial resources remains to be the major obstacle for stockpiles elimination in 4-year-term, as stipulated by the provisions of the Mine Ban Treaty. Proceeding from this, we would be grateful if you could inform the public in Japan about our needs, thus promoting the relevant assistance to Ukraine in order to speed up the ratification of the above Treaty by our country. Sincerely yours, Mr. Toshihiro Shimizu |